August 28, 2007

Innocence or...

I believe that in some of my other posts I talked about the distrust that reigns among Guatemalans nowadays. Those using the public transportation won't let me lie about the tension that makes us see a potential thief in each person. However, among so much distrust, I witnessed a scene, an interesting one because its innocence or extreme trust, depending on you judge it.

Yesterday I had to go to INCAN (Institute of Cancer). Many people visit this place every day. Its main room is always full. While I was waiting for someone, I decided to read the newspaper. I had already seen a person along the corridors selling newspapers but when I wanted to buy one, I couldn't found him. In that moment I noticed that there were several piles of newspapers in the floor near the information area with a sign on the wall above them, it was a list of prices of the different newspapers on sale, and a message saying this, more or less:

"If you want to buy a Newspaper, please leave the money in the box"

There was nobody watching over these newspapers because the people in the information area stay in movement, guiding, and answering the questions of the patients; other workers came and went; the patients were worried by their problems; etc.

I should say then, that I was astonished because during the two hours that I stayed there, all the people that bought their newspaper left the money religiously in the box mentioned in the sign.

Does this happen every day? Are the newspapers and the money respected everyday? On the other hand, was it simply an unusual and fleeting moment that I witnessed?

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