November 8, 2006


by Fiamma

We are in your bed and your arms hold my waist firmly. I’m safe in that place and I press myself against you. I want to feel the firmness and warmth that your body gives to mine. I know that’s the place where I’ve always wanted to be, the ultimate place to stay.

Suddenly, your right hand caresses my arm looking for my hair. You play with it and the feeling is amazing. Caresses and tender and I’m happy once again. Every day is different with you, every day I discover a small piece of you. And this emotion and our frankness and sincerity make our discussions more pleasant. Between your ideology and mine, we can forge paradises.

My hand looks for your hand and guides it to its primary place, the place where it belongs tonight, this moment. There are no words just whispers, murmurs, sounds, gestures, smiles and caresses. What more than this understanding? What more happiness than this moment yours and mine?

Then, slowly, we start dreaming our dream. I dream you dream about me, that I’m with you and we love freely. I love your freedom, your spirit, your words. Beautiful words of love.

I dream your hands hold my waist, today and tomorrow…

to Eduardo...


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