November 7, 2006

A charm that ends at midnight

Charm ends at midnight
by Glenda Reina

Signs: hours, words: hours, meeting: a charm that ended at midnight …
Twelve words describe our friendship or, how I have called it lately, “our midnight charm”. Ours was a fortuitous encounter with jokes and more jokes. A mutual friend was the Cupid and introduced each other through the famous “messenger”, in that anonymous world of internet… the messenger was the accomplice for our meetings. And you showed yourself as the white armor knight and a generous heart that I waited for a long time; broad mind, an insuperable sense of humor, and an irresistible personality.
Then we recognized our voices… our modulation, the accent… every vibration transmitted odors, flavors, sensations, emotions, dreams, hopes, sadness and happiness. ¡We’ve just found our paradise!
Witty phrases and creative jokes were traded… hours and hours talking… half smiles, tender and silent… even the moments of silence gave our friendship that special touch. Our friendship had become in a spiritual necessity, a way to get away from the collective solitude where we were immersed. You were my complement and my strength in my tough moments. You put me at ease in my happy moments. And I know I meant the same to you. We said it so many times.
¡Great story! ¿Don’t you think? I can imagine the whispers and the words…
-¡She found her soul mate! ¡She found the perfect man!
Well, forgive if I interrupt your surprise exclamations… There was no perfect man… there was the fantasy of the perfect man. The one who see beyond the appearance and cares only for our “personality”. ¡Ja!
Do you remember how nervous we were in our “first date”? We have talked only about our likes and dislikes, dreams and disappointments; but we never said a word about how we were physically. That was the motive for our nervousness, how I’m going to recognize her?, how I’m going to recognize him? We felt like we were over that step.
It was such a wonderful moving, spiritual, and intellectual complement… and it was… It was a night full of emotions, complementarity, smiles, and laughs. The final touch, a stream of feelings that surge when were saying goodbye and our mouths found each other.
¡Oh, insincerity! Source of many displeasures and sadness. You showed me a perfect faked feeling. I should’ve noticed when you said that sentence, a weird sentence but the right one to describe the moment: -Let’s not break today’s charm, remember that it ends at midnight. Do not end like this the fairy tales? - ¡Amen! ¡So be it!
Charm ended that day, at midnight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi hermanita!!

What a SURPRISE!! You are a very creative writer!! I think you have missed your calling . . . such talent with words. And such a wonderful way to use that talent. I am quite impressed with everything on your blog - will make some other comments per specific pieces of prose. By all means, KEEP WRITING! LOVE YOU! Nancy